Izumi Tanabe For The Exhibition
Manish Lal Shrestha Multi-disciplinary Visual Artist / Curator Gallery Mcube, Nepal
Izumi Tanabe’s work consist of serenity and feeling of ecstasy through the foggy experience of light.
Subtle tone of hues and thin lines of brush strokes technically depicts her internal expression of her experience from the life she lived in.
It is more about her nostalgia and experiences of her childhood memories.
Living in such state during her rural life, her memories manifested on canvas with her emotional values.
There is the true sense of freed sources that inspire artists to bring such body of works.
Earlier works of drapery with the thin lines of brush strokes counterpart her lonesomeness and later evolve towards the love for nature.
Her works delve on delicate and fragile essence of nature through lights and texture.
Tanabe’s works express the feeling of ecology which is changing in a course of her life journey.
All the nature that survived the war now disappearing in the name of progress.
Therefore, her works represent blurred and misty trees.
Profoundly, her notions bring mystic thoughts and amplifies the energy of womanhood through nature.
Her works bring the dialogue on human behaviors that is evolving through time and urge for the conservation of our environment.
For her painting is an endless and obsessive journey.
Time and again she is deliberately depicting her inner soul and truth of existence through her canvases.
Mcube Gallery Nepal ディレクターManish Lai Shrestha
Memory of Fireworks
The day was getting dark when my mother took my hands and abruptly walked out from home.
In the dim light, we walked on the farm road without saying a word, my hand in hers.
Oppressed and controlled - she just wanted to ran away from such traditional home life.
There was no place for a son's wife in traditional family life back then.
As we approached a downhill, fireworks went up in the sky.
They went up and beautifully lighted up the dim navy blue night, leaving a moment of ephemerality and a heartache, then disappeared. But the lights wrapped us and made us forget about everything.
There was nothing more beautiful than the unexpected fireworks that we saw during my young mother's little runaway 60 years ago.
I wonder, if the lights appeared to cheer us up....
あたりが暗くなり始める頃、母は衝動的に私を連れ家を出た .
下り坂ににさしかかった時、花火があがった。 紺青の夜の薄明りの中、華々しく咲き、 はかなさと切なさを一瞬残し、消えてしまった。 しかし、その光は私達を包み込み、すべてを忘れさせてくれた。
60年前若い母の小さな家出で出会った花火ほど美しいものはなかった。 あの光は私達への「応援歌」だったのか、
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